Teagle Spreader Settings Guide

Whether you are seeding a new lawn, improving an existing garden, or treating your yard against weed and bug infestations, a fertilizer spreader has undoubtedly proven to be an invaluable tool. We just can get enough information on it! 

A fertilizer spreader can be used to apply not just fertilizers, but seeds, and several other lawn care products such as fungicides, insecticides, weed killers, and lime. They help apply products evenly so that your entire lawn gets the proper coverage resulting in more effective treatment and less product waste. 

Certainly, seeds, fertilizers, and other soil amendments can be spread manually, it takes a much longer time, produces deficient results, and exposes the user to potentially harmful chemicals. Using a fertilizer spreader helps you avoid all these, and still saves you all that extra time and effort.

teagle spreader settings

Our focus in this article — Teagle Fertilizer Spreader — doesn’t fall short of any of the numerous benefits a fertilizer spreader stands to offer you. 

Teagle Spreader Settings

As far back as nearly 80 years ago, when Teagle Machinery was established, they have designed and built several fertilizer spreaders that are used extensively in farms and lawns, in over 35 countries worldwide. Their machinery was designed to be simple, robust, and easy to use and the XT series which you will read about shortly is all that and more. 

Below, we have provided a table that outlines all the specifications of the Teagle XT series. Afterward, you will find a guide on how to calculate your spreader settings just right. The table following that is a fault list chart. It highlights some of the symptoms your machinery might suffer from, the probable cause, and proffers likely solutions. 

Teagle Spreader Specifications Table

Model XT20 XT24 XT48
Capacity (L) 660 675 1350
Overall Height (m) 1.19 1.17 1.28
Overall Width (m) 1.35 1.20 1.92
Overall Length (m) 1.17 1.05 1.29
Unladed Weight (kg) 120 185 271
Linkage Cat 1&2 Cat 1&2 Cat 2
Extension Capacity (L) N/A 150 200
Extension Height (m) N/A 0.14 0.10
Max Bout Width (m) 12 12 12
PTO Speed (rpm)  540 540 540

Teagle Fertilizer Spreader Settings Guide

  1. First off, you will need to determine the spread rate using a calibration test e.g. 150kg of the spreading material is distributed per acre. 
  2. Next, you decide on a practical speed that is suitable for the PTO speed (540 rpm). In our example, we would use 5mph. 
  3. Then, you determine the bout width to be used; say 32ft (9.75m). We have provided a diagram below to serve as a guide. 
  4. Choose the axis along the bottom of the graph which corresponds to your chosen bout width and draw a vertical line at 150kg/acre, until it touches the 5mph horizontal line as shown in the figure below. 
  5. Extend the point of intersection obliquely upwards to the left to determine the shutter setting in mm. In our example below, it is approximately 55mm. 

Peradventure you might need to use a Bout width with no corresponding axis at the bottom of the graph below, then the shutter settings would have to be determined again. Perhaps your new bout width is 36ft, you can use the formula below to calculate your new shutter setting: 

  • 52/32 × 36 = 59mm 
  • 59mm, which is therefore the new shutter setting that you must apply. 
  • Where; 52mm = previous shutter setting
  • 32ft = previous bout width and,
  • 36ft = new bout width. 

You would recall it was earlier stated that fertilizer spreaders are not used for fertilizers alone. If you follow the link to their website below, you will find a downloadable manual that has several charts for granular fertilizers, prills, grass seeds, wheat, and barley. You can use the charts available to calculate the shutter settings unique to your spreading material. 

Teagle Spreader: Machinery Fault Chart

S/N Symptom Fault Possible Solutions
1 Low spread rate Agitator worn, or incorrectly fitted Replace the agitator or reposition on shaft
Machine spreads unequally Agitator worn on one rotor

Unequal shutter opening

Apply solution above

Adjust shutter opening

2 Material stops spreading Material bridges in hopper Agitator type incorrect for the material being spread
3 Spread pattern too narrow or wide Rotor speed is incorrect

Incorrect machine height above the crop 

Check that the PTO shaft is rotated at 540rpm

The rotor must be 30” (750mm) above the crop

4 Material thrown into the tractor The gap between the scraper plates and cones is too large  Reduce the gap by 2mm by adjusting the scraper plate 
5 Rotors do not turn Shear bolts broken

Gearbox failed

Replace with the correct grade of bolts

Get replacement parts if necessary

6 PTO shaft shear bolt breaks Shear bolt breaks in use 

Shear bolt breaks when engaging rotors 

Check rotors are free to rotate and that the gear train is intact

Check the correct grade of the bolt is fitted 

Check that the PTO shaft is engaged at low engine revs and engages smoothly. 

7 Agitators wrap around the shaft  repeatedly Lumpy or contaminated fertilizer  Fit low-level screen 

Teagle Spreader Settings: A Step-by-Step Guide

As earlier stated, all Teagle machinery are designed to be simple and easy to use. Their models have a straightforward spreading setting. 

Step #1: CHECK

Check your product and identify the required spreader settings that suit your spreading material and XT series model. 

Step #2: SET

Set the machine height, working angle, and application rate using our spreader settings guide. 

Step #3: GO

You can rest assured that you will get an accurate even spread across your yard. That’s it! No rotors to change or vanes to adjust. Simply set the right application rate, and you are ready to spread. 


  • Danny Saunders is a tech enthusiast. He enjoys getting his hands dirty with the features and settings of tech products and pushing them to their limits just to know how to get the best from them and how well they can endure "abuse" without breaking down. He shares his findings on this blog.

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