Revive Spreader Settings Guide

Revive is an organic-based soil treatment product that acts as both a soil conditioner and a chelating agent in the soil. As with most high-end soil treatment products, it’s available in liquid, ready spray, and granules form. 

The company pitches its products as “the secret behind greener lawns”, and based on performance testing we can say they’re not far off their claim. More so, their line of products is completely safe for use around pets, making it one of the top choices to use for lawns when a pet is in the home.

If you intend on getting one of these, you sure will require the proper settings guide to get the desired result; we’ve outlined the specific spreader settings for all the products on the Revive soil treatment line in this article. Also, we’ve added a few useful pieces of information to guide you during your usage.

revive spreader settings

Revive Spreader Settings & Guide

Being a widely used soil treatment product, the manufacturers made a good effort to make its spreader setting very simple to implement. More so, as it’s available in three variants, which allows users to pick whichever type they want, depending on their available spreading material.

Revive Granular Spreader Settings

Spreading Revival Granules is fairly simple; we’ve outlined some straightforward steps that work for both broadcast and drop spreaders. 

  • For drop spreaders, set the dial to 1/3 and use 1 bag for 5000 sq. ft.
  • For broadcast spreaders, set to 5 and use 1 bag for 5000 sq. ft. 

While these are the standard settings, in a few cases, you may need to adjust up or down to get the best coverage. More so, the spread is dependent on walking speed; which we always recommend 3MPH.

Revival Hose-End Sprayer Settings

If you’re using a hose-end sprayer, you ideally want to use 1 Gallon for 4000 sq. ft. and turn the dial to 0 oz. per gallon.

Revival Sprinkling Can Settings

The sprinkling can settings are fairly simple as well. Add 8 ounces of Revive to 1gallon of water, then water the dry spots.

When to Apply Revive Soil Treatment

Revive soil treatment products are wetting agents, as such, they usually last for only about six weeks. Thus, you want to be applying the treatment every 6-week interval. Also, in locations where you have extended drought conditions, you want to increase application intervals to 3 or 4 weeks.

At any rate, if you’ve got mild humidity conditions, you can follow a simple application calendar, applying at specific holidays which we’ve outlined below.

  • Easter
  • Memorial day
  • 4th of July
  • Halloween 

Granule or Liquid Revive: Which Should I Use?

Firstly, you should understand that plants (or grasses) do not know the difference between nutrients supplied in granular or liquid form; any soil treatment or fertilizer is seen as the same thing. However, picking a choice for the optimum result will depend on your application and overall preference for handling the exercise.

Dry soil nutrients are molded into dissolvable granules; in the case of fertilizer or nutrient blends, we see a mixture of the known ratios of different granules. These granules can either be applied after planting as a broadcast or during planting as a band. 

The granule application process (whether broadcast or band) usually ends with the particles being watered down into the soil, giving a fine finish.

Liquid soil nutrients, however, can be applied to foliar or ground. Also, application methods can be broadcast, in a band, and serve as a mid-season side dress. In the cases of foliar application, absorption of nutrients is faster because it goes directly through the leaves as opposed to a ground application which is only possible for granules.

However, even from a basic understanding, we know that despite the foliar application being an efficient way to correct mid-season deficiencies, it’s not a good way if you expect long-lasting results.

At any rate, the total amount of nutrients supplied by either granules or liquid soil treatments is the same. The only difference is certain factors like; consistency in nutrient component per molecule, salt content, the distance between nutrients and plant, and equipment used in the application.

While that’s the case, certain advantages a type of soil treatment has over the other may determine your choice. However, it’s important to also emphasize that this doesn’t in any way affect your results. Some of the advantages which the  application methods have over each other are;


  • Cheaper to purchase in bulk
  • Ideal for large pre-planting operations
  • Ideal for long-term soil treatment
  • Has a relatively longer lifespan
  • Easier storage 


  • Nutrients get to the plant at a faster rate
  • Simpler and straightforward application process
  • Uniformity of application
  • Works for both band, starter, and in-season application
  • Easier to blend (mix)


  • Danny Saunders is a tech enthusiast. He enjoys getting his hands dirty with the features and settings of tech products and pushing them to their limits just to know how to get the best from them and how well they can endure "abuse" without breaking down. He shares his findings on this blog.

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