Kentucky Spreader Settings Guide

Kentucky 31, otherwise known as KY-31 or K-31, is a unique variety of grass that originated in Menifee County, Kentucky. Having been released in 1943, Kentucky 31 is now grown on several millions of acres all across the United States.

Although Kentucky 31 has a rather colorful past, the original variant was highly infected with toxic endophytes, and that led to the proliferation of the different endophyte-free Kentucky variants in the market today. 

kentucky spreader settings guide

Kentucky 31 Spreader Settings

The right combination of grass seeds, spreader, and settings is a killer trio when establishing a new lawn, feeding an existing lawn, or treating bare spots on your turf. There are different types of grass seeds in the market today, and each one has specific sowing instructions. The same applies to spreaders. 

There are different types/brands of spreaders and their settings vary depending on the type of grass seed. Similarly, the spread rate of Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass vary for different types of spreaders. We would walk you through their various settings so you can calibrate your spreader properly, to achieve the best results on your lawn. 

Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Spreader Settings

If you are in the market for economical grass that requires low-maintenance, then this might just be the grass for you. The Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue is a cool-season grass suitable for Northern and transition zones. Compared to many other tall fescue varieties, this grass has an improved heat tolerance and can withstand drought, shade and stress. This variant also has a high resistance to common turf diseases and naturally grows in clumps. 

Seed Application Spread Rate
Lawns  8-10lbs per 1000 square feet
Pasture/Range  20-25lbs per acre
Forage/Grazing  20-25lbs per acre 


Spreader New Lawns Over-seeding
Scotts Rotary Spreader 18 7 ½ 
Scotts Drop Spreader 18 9 ½ 
Agway Rotary Spreader 17 14
Agway Drop Spreader 22 17
Earthway Rotary Spreader 17 14


Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue grass seed is an excellent choice for homeowners who are after an economical, low-maintenance lawn solution. This drought-resistant grass seed thrives on lawns that receive about 4-8 hours of sun daily. The seed should be sown in the early spring or early fall, and you can expect results on your lawn within 8-24 days after planting. 

Kentucky Bluegrass Spreader Settings

For many homeowners in the United States, Kentucky Bluegrass is more or less a prerequisite for an ideal lawn. This grass variant produces a dense, lush, durable lawn when given proper care in suitable growing conditions. Unlike its Tall Fescue counterpart, this grass requires a high level of maintenance to look its best, but the results are definitely worth the efforts put in. 

It is likewise a cool-season lawn grass best suited for Northern lawns from coast to coast. It offers excellent winter hardiness and has a large capacity for self-repair. However, some variants could be liable to heat and drought, and susceptible to damage caused by stress. 

Seed Application Spread Rate
New Lawns  3lbs per 750 square feet
Over-seeding 3lbs per 1000 square feet


Spreader New Lawns Over-seeding
Greenview Drop XP1 24 (2 passes) 25 ½ 
Greenview Jet-spread Broadcast  21 (2 passes) 22 ½ 
Scotts Drop PF 15 (2 passes) 17 ½ 
Scotts Speedy Green Broadcast 18 14
Republic/Ortho Drop  12 (2 passes) 13 ½ 
Republic/Ortho Broadcast  12 7
Cyclone  7 6 ½ 


Kentucky Bluegrass germinates best when soil temperatures are somewhat between 50-65°F, and it typically requires more fertilizer than the tall fescue grasses. The best time to plant Kentucky Bluegrass and do major lawn maintenance is during the early fall. In this season, the Kentucky Bluegrass growth peaks, and it is the perfect time for establishment and treatment. 

Guidelines for Successful Seeding

To give you a seamless sowing experience when seeding your lawn, we have compiled a few pointers to follow that would help you maximize the available resources to achieve great turf results. 

  • Buy the Right Seed

Buying the right seed is just as important as getting a great lawn spreader or properly calibrating your spreader. There are various types of grass seeds, and each germinates best in certain conditions. Different grass seeds are suitable for specific planting regions, seasons, and temperatures. Identify the dominant factors in your region, and choose a product that would meet your lawn’s unique needs. 

  • Prepare the Soil

For new lawns

  • Loosen the top 2-3 inches of soil. 
  • Removes stones, sticks, and other debris. 
  • Break up large dirt clumps. 
  • Avoid soil with “too fine” grains. Soil with small clumps is preferable. 
  • Level depressed areas where excess water is likely to gather. 

For existing lawns

  • Mow grasses as short as possible.
  • Loosen the topsoil in bare spots.
  • Remove debris and dead grass.
  • Level areas where excess water might collect. 
  • Use exiting top soil as added soil may contain weeds. 
  • Plant Seeds

To avoid inappropriate applications, it’s recommended to use a properly calibrated lawn spreader to cover large areas. Without a drop spreader, you can manually spread seed evenly in small areas with tight spots. Ensure the seeds are adequately spaced, as too many close seeds can cause unhealthy competition between seedlings upon germination. 

  • Cover Seeds

After sowing, lightly drag the seedbed over the seeds, so no more than ¼ inch of soil covers the seeds. 

  • Water Often

Ensure that the seedbed is moist to stimulate germination. Water slightly (do not saturate) and frequently (at least once daily) until the new grass is about 2 inches tall. It is necessary to still water new grass to keep its roots moist. 

Other lawn maintenance tips include: 

  • Mowing

It is recommended not to mow your lawn until the grasses are at least 3 inches tall. You should cut and maintain your lawn at about 2 ½ inches tall. Also, ensure that the mower’s blades are sharp, so it’s cutting the grasses and not tearing them into bits. 

  • Fertilizing

Its recommended to fertilize your turf before putting down grass seeds. In the case of post-planting applications, do not apply fertilizer until the grass is well established. That is, your lawn should have undergone three or more mowing operations. 

  • Weeding

Wait until 6-8 weeks after planting to apply herbicides to your lawn.


  • Danny Saunders is a tech enthusiast. He enjoys getting his hands dirty with the features and settings of tech products and pushing them to their limits just to know how to get the best from them and how well they can endure "abuse" without breaking down. He shares his findings on this blog. Saunders Danny