Anycubic Grey Resin Settings for Best Prints

In the world of 3D printing, Anycubic is one of the most trusted brands that you can use. Thanks to its premium features, its products are ideal for various projects.

The Anycubic Grey Resin is one such product. Asides from having less toxic features than similar products in the market, it offers incredible results on your printing jobs.

Although the Anycubic grey resin is a great product, you will have to make some 3D printer adjustments before it offers great results. If you are not sure about these settings, check through this article.

anycubic grey resin settings

Anycubic Grey Resin Settings for Best Prints

Here are the best settings for using the Anycubic Grey Resin. You can try the following settings and discover what works for your project.

Anycubic Grey Resin Settings (1)

  • Layer Height = 0.02
  • Exposure Time = 12
  • Resting Time = 6.5
  • Bottom Exposure = 95
  • Bottom Layer = 8

Anycubic Grey Resin Settings (2)

  • Layer Height = 0.025
  • Exposure Time = 11
  • Resting Time = 3
  • Bottom Exposure = 85
  • Bottom Layer = 8

Anycubic Grey Resin Settings (3)

  • Layer Height = 0.035
  • Exposure Time = 14
  • Resting Time = 1
  • Bottom Exposure = 90
  • Bottom Layer = 8

Anycubic Grey Resin Settings (4)

  • Layer Height = 0.05
  • Exposure Time = 18
  • Resting Time = 0
  • Bottom Exposure = 90
  • Bottom Layer = 8

What are the Resin Settings for 3D Printing?

Before using these resin settings, it would help if you understood their functions. You can learn about these settings by going through the following subheadings.

1. Layer Height

This setting involves the specific thickness of each layer of the model. If you choose a small layer height, you should expect a good surface for printing. But if you prefer a larger height, you will be able to produce quicker prints.

The Layer height is one of the important grey resin settings. After all, this setting affects the printing speed and time.

2. Exposure Time

The exposure time is the time required to expose a layer to the light source. If you do not choose the right duration, you might end up with a weak model.

3. Bottom Exposure Time

This is the amount of time needed to expose the bottom layers of your print to a light source. To cure the prints properly, it is recommended that you expose the prints for longer periods.

4. Bottom Layer Count

These are layers that are exposed to light during the bottom exposure time. With the right bottom layer count, your 3D model will stick better to your platform.

Other Anycubic Grey Resin Settings

Asides from the above-listed settings, you should know the following settings.

1. Lifting Distance

The lifting distance is the distance that the build plate moves from the FEP film especially after curing each layer. According to some experts, the ideal distance should stay at 5mm.

2. Light off Delay

This is the amount of time that the printer keeps the light off before working on the next layer. Normally, top-quality printers tend to have shorter light-off delays than regular models. If you want to adjust this setting, consider using a delay of 1- 1.5 seconds.

3. Wall Thickness

This is the width of the outer structure of the model. As you adjust this setting, avoid walls that might be too thin or thick. For the best results, build walls of 1.2 – 2mm.

4. Anti-Aliasing

This setting enables models to look better and smoother without having excess details. Although there aren’t actual anti-aliasing settings, you can achieve a good model by adjusting these settings with values between 4-8. Furthermore, you can adjust the best grey level settings within 0 – 4 while the image blur should stay between 0 – 2.

Can I Use the Anycubic Grey Resin Settings for Other Colors?

No, you cannot use the settings for the Anycubic Grey Resin for resins of other colors.

What are the Other Types of Anycubic Resins?

In the Anycubic lineup, you can find resins of various colors. They include clear, green, yellow, orange, red, skin, maroon, and white resins.

What are the Settings for Some Anycubic Resin?

The settings for various any cubic resins include :

(1) Black Resin Setting

  • Layer Height = 0.025
  • Exposure Time = 7.5
  • Resting Time = 3.5
  • Bottom Exposure = 95
  • Bottom Layer = 8

(2) White Resin Setting

  • Layer Height = 0.05
  • Exposure Time = 15
  • Resting Time = 1
  • Bottom Exposure = 50
  • Bottom Layer = 8

(3) Green Resin Setting

  • Layer Height = 0.02
  • Exposure Time = 12
  • Resting Time = 6.5
  • Bottom Exposure = 95
  • Bottom Layer = 8

(4) Red Resin Setting

  • Layer Height = 0.05
  • Exposure Time = 16
  • Resting Time = 1
  • Bottom Exposure = 60
  • Bottom Layer = 8


  • Danny Saunders is a tech enthusiast. He enjoys getting his hands dirty with the features and settings of tech products and pushing them to their limits just to know how to get the best from them and how well they can endure "abuse" without breaking down. He shares his findings on this blog. Saunders Danny